Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coal Trip day 3 - 7/19/11

First of all this day is an important day fortc   me, my so Joe turned 20 today. So mentally i was remembering what I was doing twenty years ago.  But today we visited Joe Knob, Nuttalbirg and the New River Gorge visitors center.
At Joe Knob, what I noticed most of all was the lack of diversity. In the reclaimed area it looked like a lion should come out at any time. But rather it was an area where we so no signs of animal life. It was interesting to see the gob being remined. Hopefully, when they are finished and start reclaiming this area they will put in some good top soil and let nature do the reclaiming and not man. In the sights we have seen areas that man have gotten involved are a mess and areas left for nature are thriving and diverse.
At Nuttalburg we were able to test a small mountain stream coming out of the mointain. It had rained for most of the morning, so the stream was cloudy and had a TDS of  200. Overall we found the stream to be at the high end of average quality at 65. We we able to see a few of the ruins of the coal camp but not all of it because of construction.
At the visitor center I walked to the lower overlook area. Some 200 feet lower than the rim. I was joined by several other teachers and we took several pictures including some panaramic ones including the one below. Looking forward to the long day tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Joe!

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